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👷‍♂️ Please mind the gap, this site is currently under construction

I created this site to host some of my personal projects & research, share some of my interests and point people toward some of the resources that I continue to find useful, particularly in the domains of startups and health technology.

Companies targeting Self-insured Employers: With an active interest in the world of employer-sponsored health coverage, I put this map of companies together to categorize many of the companies I know and as an opportunity to fill in some gaps.

NHS Innovations with a focus on Primary Care: The NHS consistently ranks amongst the highest performing health systems in the world, especially when considering the UK only spends ~10% of GDP on healthcare. Having worked in both the UK and US systems, I know there’s a lot both systems can learn from each other. This project gave me a chance to explore everything from founding principles of the NHS to the latest innovations in primary care and consider how they might apply to the US model.

Strategies and Ideas to Reduce Costs for Self-Insured Employers: This is a rather text-heavy but hopefully comprehensive deck of ways employers might conceivably reduce their health care costs with strategies organized by category.